CIT Minister Calls Media to Fight Hoax


Oleh Elvira Inda Sari, Selasa, 2 Mei 2017 | 15:01 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 579

Jakarta, InfoPublik – Communications and Information Technology Minister Rudiantara stated that joint efforts are needed to fight hoaxes. The minister also asked media to play an important role in fighting hoax or fake news.

“Hoax comes from social media. In social media, the most important thing is about speed not accuracy,” he said in the opening ceremony of World Press Freedom Day 2017 in Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) on Tuesday (5/2).

The minister appreciated the anti-hoax declaration campaign made by people from all walks of life.

He also appealed the media to cross check every news  to be published. Although freedom of the press is protected by the law, press is also limited by journalistic code of ethics.

Hoax has become an issue of concern not only in national but also in international community because it has spread widely in social network. In fact, a Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman has asked the UN to make a strategy plan to fight hoaxes.

"Last week, I read a news about a Russian foreign ministry’s spoke person asking the UN to make a strategy plan to fight hoax," he explained.

At the same occasion, Press Council Chairman Yosep Adi Prasetio urged journalists to recheck every news. He also asked television media not to make the hoax a topic of their talk show.

"Journalists must also do re-check to the news, do not simply copy and paste it," he concluded. (Reporter: Elvira, translator: Rina Alexandra)