Halal Industry Financial Management to Use Sharia Bank Service


Oleh Amrln, Selasa, 22 November 2016 | 15:48 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 663

Jakarta, InfoPublik – the Indonesian Sharia Banks Association (Asbisindo) Secretary General  Achmad K. Permana stated that halal industries should use sharia bank service in their financial management berfore securing their halal certificates.

“We hope that  industries applying for halal certification have previously received halal certificates from bank,” said Achmad in Jakarta, Monday, (11/21)

He continued that Asbisindo urges the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) to oblige companies applying for halal certification to use financial service or receive funding from sharia banks. 

Asbisindo’s Vice Chairman on Business Development Imam T. Saptono added that this measure is important to be taken to promote the growth of sharia banking in Indonesia. It is in line with the rapid development of halal industry in Indonesia. 

In 2014, halal food transaction value reached US$147 billion but only 20-30 percent of the related companies are certified. “Foreign companies would automatically use national sharia banking service,” he concluded. (Translator: Erik Limantara)