Govt optimistic to meet aquaculture production target of 16 million tons


Oleh Baheramsyah, Jumat, 4 November 2016 | 16:51 WIB - Redaktur: Filmon Warouw - 1K

Jakarta, InfoPublik - Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry (KKP) targets the aquaculture production to exceed 16 million tons by the end of this year. 

The number increases compared with the total production in 2015 at 15.7 million tons even though it only reached 7 million tons on the first semester of 2016.

The ministry's aquaculture director general Slamet Soebjakto is optimistic to meet the target by the end of 2016. “Many priority programs are almost realized. We will boost mussel farming because of high interest. Moreover, the mussels can live in any condition,” Slamet said in Jakarta on Tuesday, (1/11).

He hoped that the target of 16 million tons will be reached, because it will trigger production increase in many regions. We encourage the mussel production sector since it is potential and highly consumed. Mussels also could live in a bad water condition due to this year’s extreme weather. 

In October 2016, the directorate general of aquaculture’s disbursement reached 45 percent from the total budget. It will reach 60 percent if the budget is reduced to Rp 993 billion.

“That’s why we are optimistic that the realization would reach  90 percent by the end of November 2016. Many budget posts are just pending to be disbursed, so the realization  could reach 100 percent by the end of the year,” he said. 

Slamet added that some priority actions in 2016 are the provision program of 100 million fish seeds. It has been realized at 153 million seeds. It means this program is one step ahead of the main priority program.

The other actions are 185 seaweed cultures provison, 84 packages of autonomous feed provision in 15 provinces and 32 regencies/cities, 715 packages of aquaculture facilities and infrastructures provision, 402 packages of production facilities provision, 26 packages of biofloc-type catfish cultivation provision.

Besides that, the ministry also provides 888 packages of mariculture, 100 packages of combined farming in nine provinces, and 39 units of excavator. 

“Some of those actions have reached 100 percent or even more.Some almost reach 100 percent and it will finish by the end of November,” he concluded. (Translator: Erik Limantara)