Declaration International Folk Dance Festival 2016


Oleh Irvina Falah, Senin, 10 Oktober 2016 | 15:31 WIB - Redaktur: Irvina Falah - 1K

Denpasar – Participants of the International Folk Dance Festival 2016, representing The Argentina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Greece, Italy, Polandia, Slovakia, Taiwan, Thailand, Uzbekistan and Russia in Sunday (9/10/2016) just to implement the declaration associated with these activities. This declaration initiated by The Ministry of Education and Culture of the Indonesian Republic.

Acknowledging the importance of culture as a driver, enabler and enricher of sustainable development. Understanding that culture traditions are integral part of the participating country’s heritage and an effective means of bringing together the involved peoples to recognise their global and relatedness.

Reaffirming our commitment to create a global sense of belonging and enhance deeper mutual understanding among the participating countries in their culture, history, religion and civilization. Considering the need to respect the right to culture for all, as cultural creativity and diversity guarantee the viability of the participating countries, inform and motivate people, and help realize their full human potential while achieving the UN Millenium Development Goals. Based on these things, there is some agreement generated. Among them :

  • Culture is a part of community life which is constantly evolving to follow the development of the era; 
  • Cultural heritage as a tradition that is embedded in the life of society and must be continouesly preserved;
  • In the globalization era, enchancement of cultural creativity and industry is urgently needed, therefore , all the participating countries shall encourage the government and private sectors to support the development of Small and Medium-Sized Cultural Enterprises (SMECs). The participating countries will optimized appropriate use of tangible and intangible cultural assest for economic growth and poverty alleviation. The participating countries will support and promote the quality of cultural industry products for commercialization in domestic and international markets;
  • The participating countries will cooperate in human resources capacity building on prservation of cultural heritage and achievement through documentation, exchange of experts, grassroots people to people exchanges, youth camps, cultural study tour, sharing of best practices for improving the level of knowledge and experienced within the participating countries. They will encourage the convening a regular cultural dialogues bringing together intellectuals, renowned artists and experts in the filed of culture who will address issues convcerning the bulding of socio-cultural community;
  • The power of cultural unity among nations that sands above diversity, by uphold a sense of fellowship, will creating world peace above towards the world community which is resilient, polite and briliantly.

The agreement was then signed by the participants of International Folk Dance Festival 2016. The event is part of World Culture Forum 2016 series program which is conducted in Bali, October 10 – 14 (WCF2016)