155 Thousand Neglected Elderlies Receive Monthly Allowance


Oleh Yudi Rahmat, Kamis, 6 Oktober 2016 | 11:43 WIB - Redaktur: Penni Patmawati Rusman - 1K

Jakarta, InfoPublik - Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa stated that her office has prepared programs to fulfil the basic needs of elderly, both productive and unproductive, , one of them is through the provision of Family Hope Program (PKH).

“The provision of basic need fulfilment for elderlies have been conducted, one of them is through PKH,” said Minister Khofifah after opening the Seminar on National Strategy for the Elderly Seminar and Elderly Social Welfare Award in the commemoration of the National Day of the Elderly (HLUN) at Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday (10/4).

Previously an ASEAN Ministerial Meeting was held with the agenda of protection towards the elderly, child, and disabled person. 

“ASEAN member states have serious commitment and concern on the effort of protection towards the elderly, child, and disabled person protection,” said she. 

In addition to ASEAN member states, Japan, China, and South Koreaalso attended the meeting. They had the same commitment on the effort of providing welfare for the elderly. 

“ASEAN member states, Japan, China, and South Korea have the same concern to provide welfare by giving chances to productive elderlies and welfare to unproductive ones,” she explained. 

On November 2016, the government is going to extend the number of PKH participant and receiver by including 125 thousand neglected elderlies through the Assistance Program for Neglected Elderly (ASLUT) , for those aged above 70 years old. 

“Currently, the government is supporting 30 thousand neglected elderlies. Meanwhile, many local governments have supported them under the Social Affairs Mininstry assistance,” said she. 

“Not everyone are entitled to receive the service, only those above 70 years old are eligible.,” she added. 

Data shows that currently there are 1.8 million Indonesians aged 60 years. 1.6 million of whom are potential to be neglected. “The government supports 30 thousand elderlies and the number will be added by 125 thousand. So, the total number of neglected elderlies who are supported is 155 thousand”, she stated.

It is still relatively small compared to the number of elderlies who have not been supported yet because of the limited ministry’s budget. However, local governments and society play important role in serving neglected elderlies. 

“The elderlies will be granted Rp 200 thousand per month. It will be disbursed three times a year, based on the family record according to PKH,” said she. 

The neglected elderlies, receiver of ASLUT program, will also receive home care service at the family residence or at the nursing home. (Translator: Erik Limantara)