Ministry of Health: We Still Must Implement Health Protocols As The Pandemic Has Not Yet Over


Oleh Wilda Stiana, Rabu, 26 Agustus 2020 | 11:13 WIB - Redaktur: Wilda Stiana - 1K

Jakarta, InfoPublik - The Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) pandemic has not yet over. However, community activities that are currently starting to increase, pose a new risk of transmission, especially in offices and other workplaces.

Ad-interim Director of Occupational Health and Sports of the Ministry of Health Kartini Rustandi revealed that her party had conducted outreach through the Minister of Health Decree No. 328 of 2020 on public health protection, especially in offices and industries.

"We know that workplaces are not only offices and industrial factories. Therefore, the Ministry of Health also issued a Decree of the Minister of Health No. 382 of 2020 that contains information on health protocols that must be carried out by 12 working groups,” said Kartini, Tuesday (8/25).

The health protocol must also be carried out in 12 workplaces, among others, in markets, hotels, restaurants, places of worship, modes of transportation, hair and beauty salons, as well as in tourist places, including in events or creative services.

The health protocols in the Decree will be implemented by the respective regional governments after compiled in more detail in the technical guidelines and governor regulations.

The health protocol must consist of two things, namely health protocols related to individual protection and public health protection. Therefore, all offices and workplaces must pay attention to these two things.

"All workplaces must have a coordinator and team for handling Covid-19 to control health protocols implementation and respond to contact tracing if there are positive cases," said Kartini.


(Photo: BNPB)


Reporter: Putri
Editor: Isma
Translator: Wilda Stiana