Health Ministry: Homebound Travelers Services Getting Better


Oleh Filmon Warouw, Senin, 10 Juni 2019 | 11:27 WIB - Redaktur: Filmon Warouw - 1K

Jakarta, InfoPublik – Health Ministry’s director general for health services Bambang Wibowo said government effort to facilitate mudik (annual Eid homebound) is getting better.

“The facilities are much better than before for instance toll roads, health posts, and traffic management that ease holidaymakers’ travel,” he said while accompanying Health, Transportation, and Public Works Ministers at Cakrabuwana Airport in Cirebon on Sunday (6/9). The officials were monitoring the return traffic.

He added the public awareness to conform the rules of the road and to rest in health post had also helped to reduce the number of accidents. This year, the number was slashed for more than 50 percent.

Health posts along mudik routes gave various services including consultation and promotion of healthy and hygienic lifestyle as well as safe driving. The posts also gave traffic accident handling services. “We have to give good respond time and right treatment to the victims,” he said.

Due to low accident number, the posts were mostly giving health promotion and consultation as well as traditional health services for example massage and acupressure. “At the health posts, we also promote rest period to prevent driving exhaustion,” he concluded. (Translator: Filmon Warouw)