Dialogue101: drugs abuse education using slang language


Oleh Jhon Rico, Selasa, 30 Januari 2018 | 11:24 WIB - Redaktur: Filmon Warouw - 2K

Jakarta, InfoPublik – The head of National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Police Commissioner General Budi Waseso says the education program on the dangers of drugs using slang language is very interesting and creative.

"It a very creative program because slang is important," said Budi Waseso at the launching of dialogue101 program at the National Library of Indonesia’s Theater Room in Jakarta, Monday (1/29).

The program was launched by BNN head Budi Waseso and NLI director Muhammad Syarif Bando.

Budi Waseso admitted that he had made the same program. That program, however, turned out to be less interesting because the language was not commonly used by the current generation.

According to him, educating the dangers of drugs especially to young people needs an interesting and easy to understand language. Thus, he is very grateful for the dialogue101 program.

It is a program which contains campaign and education on the prevention of drugs abuse. It can be accessed from mobile phone so that all people can know about the dangers of drugs.

He is also very optimistic that it is very useful to expand public knowledge on the dangers of drugs. (Translator: Wilda Stiana)